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Pink Clouds

This spring we launched “Surrendering the Secret” Bible Study written by Pat Layton. The 8 session study is designed for women who have suffered from the pain of abortion. Each session was a tender, bonding time, where the class members read scripture, prayed together, and worked through memories associated with their abortions. Some of class members had been carrying their painful secret for many, many years. Through written homework lessons, videos, discussion, and prayer, the group dealt with the tender subject of the loss of their babies. Each class member experienced the joy that came when the Truth set their hearts freer than they had been for years. 


“I was so excited to attend “Surrendering the Secret” class because I knew God had orchestrated the events that were bringing me to it. With 2 abortions when I was in my 20’s and 2 miscarriages in my 30’s, I had carried turmoil over my sin and disobedience to God for a long time. During those years, I had accepted the truth of God’s forgiveness and I even “worked” at forgiving myself. My abortion was no longer a secret. I had shared my story with my children and had even shared it with some close friends. I thought I was healed but I sensed that if I wanted to be of service to others and to God, I should attend the class. The first three lessons caught my attention right away. They were all about me! As the lessons continued, however, I began to realize the activities we were asked to do touched areas of my life that truly had been hidden away in the back of my mind and heart for years. I became resistant to moving forward. Maybe I wasn’t healed after all… ? One activity was to write our babies a letter. I could not even imagine how to do that. The Holy Spirit gently moved me forward. I began to think about what I would say to my babies if I were to write them a letter. I literally cried for hours as I wrote. Those tears were cleansing and purifying. My life is so much different now. I embrace the freedom and the opportunity to share my story. Perhaps my story will help someone else? When I think about my children, I envision them as young adults standing together as I enter Heaven.   I am so in love with them. We will have an eternity together, basking in God’s love and light - fulfilling His purpose!"

Surrendering the Secret Bible Study Attendee

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